Setup IIS


For EZCA to connect to your ADCS CAs it is required for a domain joined machine to run the EZCA certificate agent web service. This web service receives authenticated requests from EZCA and then requests the certificate on behalf of EZCA. The first step is setting up IIS in a Windows machine. CA Agent

Setting up the Server

Install IIS Windows feature

In a domain joined PC open an Administrator PowerShell window and run the following command:

Install-WindowsFeature -name Web-Server -IncludeManagementTools

Instal Web deploy

Once IIS is installed, download web-deploy from the official Microsoft site and open the installer.

  1. Once the installer is open, click next on the first page.
  2. Read and accept terms and conditions.
  3. On the next page click “Complete” IIS Setup
  4. Click “Install”

Install .NET Hosting Bundle

  1. Download the latest .NET hosting bundle from Microsoft.
  2. Click Install.