For EZCA to validate the local domain ownership, we have to install a local agent in your network. This web service will receive all ACME request and validate the domain ownership on behalf of EZCA. In this step we will set up the agent.
In a Windows Server open an Administrator PowerShell window and run the following command:
Install-WindowsFeature -name Web-Server -IncludeManagementTools
Once IIS is installed, download web-deploy from the official Microsoft site and open the installer.
The ACME Agent requires a certificate to authenticate to EZCA. This certificate will be automatically rotated by the health API, meaning once it is setup, you will not have to manually renew it.
The certificate must be issued by the CA that this ACME agent will be connected to.
Exportable = FALSE
MachineKeySet = TRUE
is the file name you just downloaded and CSRFILENAME
is the file where you want the certificate signing request to be saved:
certreq.exe -new <INFFILENAME>.inf <CSRFILENAME>.csr
Next we have to create the site in IIS, to do this run the following script replacing the variables:
This certificate must be different than the certificate we just created for authentication. As previously mentioned, the authentication certificate is automatically managed by EZCA and IIS binding will not be updated.
You can download the signed version of this script from here
#usage .\InstallIISSite.ps1 -iisAppPoolName "YOURPOOLNAME" -iisAppName = "SITENAME" -directoryPath "PATHTOSITEFILES" -certificateSubject 'YOUR SSL CERTIFICATE SUBJECT' -acmeCertificateSubject 'SSL Certificate Subject name for Authentication with EZCA' -appInsights "YOUR APP Insights Key" -agentURL "https://acmeagent.same.domain/"
param ($iisAppPoolName = "ezcaACMEPool", $iisAppName = "ezcaACME", $directoryPath = "C:\ezcaACME",
$certificateSubject, $acmeCertificateSubject, $appInsights, $agentURL)
Import-Module WebAdministration
if($null -eq $certificateSubject -or $certificateSubject -eq '')
Write-Host "Error: No certificate subject provided. Please provide a valid certificate subject name" -ForegroundColor Red
exit 1
if($null -eq $acmeCertificateSubject -or $acmeCertificateSubject -eq '')
Write-Host "Error: No EZCA certificate subject provided. Please provide a valid certificate subject name" -ForegroundColor Red
exit 1
if($null -eq $agentURL -or $agentURL -eq '')
Write-Host "Error: No Agent URL provided, please provide the DNS name for this agent" -ForegroundColor Red
exit 1
$directoryPath = $directoryPath.TrimEnd('\')
$originalPath = Get-Location
#navigate to the app pools root
cd IIS:\AppPools\
#check if the app pool exists
if (!(Test-Path $iisAppPoolName -pathType container))
#create the app pool
$appPool = New-Item $iisAppPoolName
$appPool | Set-ItemProperty -Name "managedRuntimeVersion" -Value ""
#navigate to the root of the site
cd IIS:\Sites\
#check if the site exists
if (Test-Path $iisAppName -pathType container)
$cert = (Get-ChildItem cert:\LocalMachine\My | where-object { $_.Subject -like "*$certificateSubject*" } | Select-Object -First 1).Thumbprint
if($null -eq $cert -or $cert -eq '')
Write-Host "Error: No certificate found for the provided certificate subject. Please provide a valid certificate subject name, and make sure your certificate is in the the following cert store: Cert:\LocalMachine\My" -ForegroundColor Red
exit 1
#create the site
if ((Test-Path $directoryPath -pathType container) -eq $false)
New-Item -Path $directoryPath -ItemType Directory
$TestSite =New-IISSite -Name $iisAppName -PhysicalPath $directoryPath -BindingInformation "*:443:" -CertificateThumbPrint $cert -CertStoreLocation "Cert:\LocalMachine\My" -Protocol https -Passthru
$TestSite.Applications["/"].ApplicationPoolName =$iisAppPoolName
# Download Site
cd $originalPath
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile
Expand-Archive -LiteralPath -DestinationPath $directoryPath
$webAppSettings = Get-Content -Raw -Path "$($directoryPath)\appsettings.json"
$webAppSettings = $webAppSettings.Replace('$SUBJECTNAME$', $acmeCertificateSubject).Replace('$AGENTURL$',$agentURL).Replace('$APPINSIGHTS_CONNECTION_STRING$',$appInsights)
$webAppSettings | Out-File -FilePath "$($directoryPath)\appsettings.json" -Force
Remove-Item -Path
Below you will find common exceptions or errors and how to fix them
ACME validation is carried out through DNS, ensure that the ACME Server has http access into the server requesting the certificate.
If when creating a new ACME account the request fails with an internal server error and when looking at the Application Insights you see a Cryptographic Exception “Keyset does not exist” this means that the identity running the application pool in IIS does not have permission to read the certificate’s private key. Please ensure that the Application’s pool identity has the correct permissions.
If when calling the test API you get an error that the certificate is not available, and you have verified that it is in the right store and that the application running the pool in IIS (by default IIS_IUSRS) has permission to the certificate, make sure that the certificate chain (including the root certificate) is in the trusted root store.