EZSSH uses SSH Certificates to authenticate to endpoints. Since this is a OpenSSH supported protocol, no custom code has to run on your endpoints for authentication to work. By adding your EZSSH Certificate to your TrustedUserCAKeys your endpoint will start working with EZSSH.
In this page we will go through how to do this by deploying to Azure using Pulumi. You might also be interested in:
If you want to only set up the Linux principals of an access policy click the “Get Script” button of that access policy.
After you have cloned the EZSSH Pulumi Azure Sample, open the folder in VSCode:
Modify the Pulumi.dev.yaml
file to select the location where you want to deploy your VMs to.
Open MyStack.cs
file. This is the file that has all your infrastructure as code.
Modify the For loop in line 49 to specify the number of VMs you want to create.
Modify line 106 to match the path and name of the cloud init you previously downloaded.
Open Terminal inside the folder and run pulumi up
The First time it will ask you to login to your Pulumi instance, Login to your Pulumi instance. If you do not have an account you can create one for free here
Then it will ask you to create a stack create one called “dev”
Once it builds, it will show you the changes it will make to your subscription:
Verify the changes, and move the arrow to select yes.
Pulumi will deploy the resources to Azure.
If you are using an Azure EZSSH Policy, refresh the endpoints, to get the new endpoints added to the policy.
In the EZSSH Portal go to your Azure policy and click edit.
Click the “Refresh Endpoints” Button
Your new VMs are ready to be used with EZSSH!
If you are using a Hybrid EZSSH Policy, you will have to Manually add the endpoints.
In this section we will go through the Pulumi deployment to help you create your own. First we create a resource group named “SampleVMs”
Pulumi will add some random characters at the end to make it unique.
var resourceGroup = new Azure.Core.ResourceGroup("SampleVMs");
Then we create a network security group named “exampleNetworkSecurityGroup” and set it in the just created resource group and in the same location.
var exampleNetworkSecurityGroup = new Azure.Network.NetworkSecurityGroup("exampleNetworkSecurityGroup", new Azure.Network.NetworkSecurityGroupArgs
Location = resourceGroup.Location,
ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
Then we create an inbound rule that will accept any connection to port 22
This is a very open inbound rule, you should only allow a select number of IP addresses into your admin ports.
var exampleNetworkSecurityRuleInbound = new Azure.Network.NetworkSecurityRule("exampleNetworkSecurityRule", new Azure.Network.NetworkSecurityRuleArgs
Priority = 100,
Direction = "Inbound",
Access = "Allow",
Protocol = "*",
SourcePortRange = "*",
DestinationPortRange = "22",
SourceAddressPrefix = "*",
DestinationAddressPrefix = "*",
ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
NetworkSecurityGroupName = exampleNetworkSecurityGroup.Name,
Then we create a virtual network for our VMs.
var exampleVirtualNetwork = new Azure.Network.VirtualNetwork("testVMSVirtualNetwork", new Azure.Network.VirtualNetworkArgs
AddressSpaces =
Location = resourceGroup.Location,
ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
Subnets =
new Azure.Network.Inputs.VirtualNetworkSubnetArgs
Name = "subnet3",
AddressPrefix = "",
SecurityGroup = exampleNetworkSecurityGroup.Id,
Then we have a for loop that creates vms. (This was created to create multiple vms at once). The rest of the code is inside this for loop and will create one of each of the resources for each vm in the for loop.
First we create a public IP address for the VM.
In this sample the IP address is dynamic, it will change each time the vm is allocated.
var publicIP = new Azure.Network.PublicIp("publicIP-"+ i, new Azure.Network.PublicIpArgs
ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
AllocationMethod = "Dynamic"
Then we create a network interface and attach the public IP to the VM.
var exampleNetworkInterface = new Azure.Network.NetworkInterface("exampleNetworkInterface"+ i, new Azure.Network.NetworkInterfaceArgs
Location = resourceGroup.Location,
ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
IpConfigurations =
new Azure.Network.Inputs.NetworkInterfaceIpConfigurationArgs
Name = "internal",
SubnetId = exampleVirtualNetwork.Subnets.First().Apply(x => x.Id),
PrivateIpAddressAllocation = "Dynamic",
PublicIpAddressId = publicIP.Id
Then we create the VM with the following properties:
CustomData = File.ReadAllText(Environment.GetFolderPath( Environment.SpecialFolder.UserProfile) + "\\Downloads\\AWS EastUS Policy.yaml")
This is the line where we add the cloud init we downloaded previously and will grant access to the EZSSH Policy.var mainVirtualMachine = new Azure.Compute.VirtualMachine("mainVirtualMachine" + i, new Azure.Compute.VirtualMachineArgs
Name = "TestVM" + i,
Location = resourceGroup.Location,
ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
NetworkInterfaceIds =
VmSize = "Standard_B1s",
StorageImageReference = new Azure.Compute.Inputs.VirtualMachineStorageImageReferenceArgs
Publisher = "Canonical",
Offer = "UbuntuServer",
Sku = "18.04-LTS",
Version = "latest",
StorageOsDisk = new Azure.Compute.Inputs.VirtualMachineStorageOsDiskArgs
Name = "myosdisk" + i,
Caching = "ReadWrite",
CreateOption = "FromImage",
ManagedDiskType = "Standard_LRS",
OsProfileLinuxConfig = new Azure.Compute.Inputs.VirtualMachineOsProfileLinuxConfigArgs
DisablePasswordAuthentication = false,
OsProfile = new Azure.Compute.Inputs.VirtualMachineOsProfileArgs
AdminUsername = "randomAdminUser",
AdminPassword = Password.Generate(32, 12),
ComputerName = "testpc" + i,
CustomData = File.ReadAllText(Environment.GetFolderPath(
Environment.SpecialFolder.UserProfile) + "\\Downloads\\AWS EastUS Policy.yaml")